Puppy Marketing

We recently got a puppy.  Her name is Ruby.  This is her.

I’m tempted now to say, “my work here is done.”  This photo says a thousand words easy, and it’s summer, so I’m done.  Put this quarterly column to bed.  See ya in September!

Unfortunately for me, however, and maybe you, the editor of this award-winning* newsletter has developed a bit of an ego since strolling the red carpet of the Central Michigan Public Relations Society of America awards banquet and has become pretty unreasonable on the issues of “standards” and “deadlines” and whether or not they are met.


So, Ruby to the rescue.

There is a general idea in marketing and messaging that a person or audience needs to see or hear a message seven times before it sinks in and moves someone to take action.  The “Rule of 7,” some call it.

Whether or not this is an exact science, it does make sense.  We are hit with a lot of stuff on any given day.  A lot demanding our attention, craving our support, and desiring our dollars.  For an idea or ask to rise on the list of “things we gotta deal with” often takes a reminder or six.

And Ruby agrees.

Come, Ruby. Come, Ruby. Come, Ruby.

Come, Ruby.

Come, Ruby.

 Come, Ruby! Come, Roby!

 My professional life has now become my personal, puppy-owning life.

 Go potty?  Go potty?  Go potty? 

 Go potty. Go potty.

 Go Potty!  Go Potty!

The Rule of 7 didn’t come from any fancy marketing school.  It was developed in the laboratories of puppy school.

It is very easy to see the Rule of 7 alive and well in the little, developing brain of a 10-week old dog, and I guess for the purposes of this conversation, marketing people view us all as barely housebroken puppies.

Sit?  Sit?  Sit?


Sit.  Sit.

Sit!  Good dog!

Commands one, two, and three could easily be classified as “ignored.”  Nope, I don’t hear anything.  This mulch tastes good.

Commands four and five, ok, I’ll turn my head and humor you with a confused look.

Command six, dang it, I think he’s serious.  This mulch tastes good.

Command seven, fine, I’ll pee.

Puppies are people and people are puppies, and Rule of 7 applies to us all.

Buy?  Buy?  Buy?


Buy.  Buy.

Buy!  Good people!

Vote?  Vote?  Vote?

Vote.  Vote.

Vote!  Vote!

Vote!!  Good voter!

There is an important element to messaging that is sometimes easy to forget.  Even the best and most compelling message requires patience and persistence.  Puppies can help, too.

* So, about that award.  Yes, this newsletter is now award-winning. 

We started this newsletter as an effort to share helpful information about the work we do.  Our entire team contributes, rotating writing assignments from quarter to quarter, and the topics are each our own.

It’s why we are proud that the newsletter recently received a 2022 Award of Excellence from the Central Michigan Public Relations Society of America. 

Congrats to the team, and to Nikki for the development and delivery of each edition.


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