Taking the Holistic Approach to Digital Advertising

We all know how powerful – and sometimes annoying – digital ads can be. We see them everywhere, all the time, nonstop. If you’re a digital marketer like me, that is a fabulous thing because it means we can reach the right audience, at the right time and in the right location.

However, it’s only one tool in our arsenal - and can only do so much.

To truly make a lasting impact, a holistic approach that encompasses a full creative and marketing plan is essential. This takes more time and planning, but the positive and lasting results speak for themselves.

Digital advertising benefits

My role is literally Director of Digital Marketing so I am not here to disparage digital advertising in ANY way. It is a top tier tool, and one of my go-tos when creating a digital strategy because of its many benefits.  

Targeting Precision: Digital advertising allows businesses to transcend geographical boundaries and target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Interactivity and Engagement: Digital ads allow for interactive and engaging formats, giving brands the chance to grab audience attention and build brand recall.

Real-Time Analytics: Digital advertising provides instant insights into the performance of campaigns and enables businesses to optimize their strategies on the fly.

But you shouldn’t rely on digital ads alone.

It’s crucial to recognize that no single tool can carry the entire weight of a successful marketing campaign. Running ads without support from public relations, organic social media and/or content marketing is not ideal.

Ad Fatigue: I’m sure you’ve had a scenario where you’ve seen the same ad served over, and over, and over… eventually you just ignore it. That’s ad fatigue, and we don’t want that.

Limited Recall: Digital ads are brief and to the point. That’s their purpose. To build memorable relationship, brands need various touch points via organic social, email and PR.

Dependency on Algorithms: Digital ads may offer more options than traditional methods, but brands are still relying on the whims of Zuckerberg - which can change in an instant.  

The holistic approach to digital marketing.

As you may have guessed, I recommend businesses adopt a holistic marketing approach that integrates digital advertising into a broader strategy, including:

Content Marketing: Create valuable, relevant content that goes beyond advertising. This could include blog posts, articles, videos, emails, and anything else that resonates with your audience.

Social Media Management: Engage your audience on social media by responding to comments, participating in conversations, and sharing content that aligns with the brand identity.

Public Relations: Build and maintain positive relationships with the public through media coverage, press releases, and community involvement to help shape the brand's image.

Analytics and Adaptation: Continuously analyze data from various channels to refine marketing strategies. Adaptation is key to staying ahead of trends and changing behavior.

Bring it all together.

By embracing a comprehensive marketing plan, businesses can harness the full potential of digital advertising while supporting its limitations. Ultimately ensuring a well-rounded and resilient digital strategy.


What’s in it for the Mentor?


Notes on Language